Early indie
24 April 2010
This is the feature-length documentary found on the 2-Disc DVD of the George Lucas Director's Cut of THX 1138. Yikes, what a mouthful. It consists of interviews(with all the film-makers and a few studio people, too) and some clips of the films that are talked about(even used ironically here and there), with occasional narration tying it all together. This gives a history of, well, the early years of American Zoetrope, as the title of it gives away. It is very interesting and well-told; I knew a lot of what was said in this already, going into it, and yet I was engaged throughout. The story-telling is competent, the whole thing is rather well-edited(the cuts and footage do not attract attention to themselves) and keeps to a great pace. You learn about the career beginnings of them all, find out how different and mutually helpful to one another Lucas and Ford Coppola were, and no, they don't deny the liberated drug use and sexuality(come on, it was the 60's and 70's). The whole thing ends with a brief bit of each of the talents, followed by a list of their work. I recommend this to any fan of the people it is about. 8/10
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