Review of 100 Rifles

100 Rifles (1969)
don't bother with this crappy wanna be
11 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So American westerns sucked after The Magnificent Seven, and Italian westerns took over and they were the best. Many American directors started trying to rip off the Italians and they failed big time, here is an absolutely perfect example.

It's about a man who is a wanted bank robber who flees to Mexico and buys guns for his Native American people and then he makes the Mexican officials mad and has to run from them as well as a sheriff sent to catch him for the bank robbery. The sheriff gets involved with helping him and it becomes a war of Indians vs. Mexicans.

That sounds like it had potential, but they didn't pull it off. Director Tom Gries did a really good job a year before on Will Penny, but he lost it here. This movie tries way too hard to be Italian, it's filmed in Spain and has so many clichés it's not even funny. But wait, it was tried humor as an additive but it didn't help. Where was the blood, until the final fight at the end, there is no blood and very little then. There was nothing special about the sets, or direction, or cinematography. The music was really bad too, It was way over the top cliché and so much that it hurt the flow of this film. One shot made me laugh hard with a little pistol shooting through 3 Indians, ummm no thats not gonna even make it half way through the first guy.

Burt Reynolds is a good actor, but not for this type of role, I wish they had cast someone better for this role, I mean half of the Indians and Mexicans were Italian, it has been a standard though in these films, but Italians and American Italians are two different things appearance wise.

Raquel Welsh was laugh out loud funny as an Indian, wow and did she look out of place..and that accent, wow - perhaps the worst casting I have ever seen. Jim Brown problems at all from him, he's a truly magnificent actor and did well in blaxploitation and westerns. He and Raquel had a big make out scene which was aimed to draw in fans of Welsh's beauty, but it really sucked and brought this movie down.

Very little on action here, the last 15 minutes was decent, but I can't recommend it.. 2 out of 10 stars.
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