Decent but not a must-see.
10 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is an interesting film for its supporting cast. If you see the film, look for Gloria Henry (Dennis' mom from the TV show "Dennis the Menace") and Will Geer. You don't see a young Will Geer in many films, as he was blacklisted not too long after he made this film due to his very liberal politics (even by Hollywood standards). As for Henry, it's tough to recognize her at first, as she is very fast-talking and a bit fresh--and quite cute. She just doesn't look or act much like Dennis' mom! The film stars George Raft during his 'wooden phase'. After he was no longer a tough-guy with Warner Brothers (in the 30s and early 40s), he settled into a long string of much more sedate roles--playing heroic types with very little energy in his performances. It was like the tough persona was in slow-motion in these later films--not exactly unpleasant but with very little of the bravura and intensity of his earlier roles...and a bit wooden. You may not have noticed this, but I've seen enough of his films to see there is a clear difference--and many of the films were made by second-tier studios such as Columbia as well as some UK productions. I noticed another reviewer said Raft is "a bit bland at times" and this is clearly the case in his post-war films--they just lack zip!

This film finds the ex-con Johnny Allegro (Raft) getting tangled up in a killing, as he appears to kill a cop. However, after he makes his escape with the dame (Nina Foch), you learn that the shooting was a ruse--and Apollo's gun loaded with blanks as he's working with Federal agents! Why? Because they wanted someone to infiltrate the criminal empire run by a creepy and probably sexually impotent man (George Macready). Can Apollo get to in good with the gang? Will he be killed by the gang? Can he, somehow, still get the girl? Will the audience by a 54 year-old man as an action hero?

Overall, this is a pleasant little noir film from Columbia. While it's not great film noir and Raft has definitely done better stuff, it's a good but rather slow-paced gangster film. With a bit more energy and an actor who didn't appear a bit old for the role, it might have been a bit better. But as for Macready, it's another excellent menacing performance--as no one could do BAD quite like him!
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