Unconvincing J-horror - Ju-on for the under-12s
15 March 2010
A bizarre J-"horror" from the one-time golden boy of the genre Takashi Shimizu -- and oh, how the mighty have fallen. His stint in Hollywood helming Sarah Michelle Gellar movies has either sapped his abilities or his mind. Shock Labyrinth feels like a re-tread of the circular storytelling of the original Ju-On films, but with much worse acting, much less gore, and a poor-quality, murky 3D effect shrouding everything in a thick fog. Plot is deliberately dream-like (read: confusing), some kids re-visit a haunted house fairground attraction where "something horrible" happened to them years ago, only for the weirdness to get kick-started again. Put it this way, if you're scared of plush rabbit toys, this is the horror film for you. Everyone else, stay away.
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