Intensely boring, leading to confusion.
12 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is yet another intensely boring Canadian film, to my great shame.

In fact, it's so boring, that I started getting confused which characters were in bed with which other characters. Everyone seemed to bed everyone else at some point. And I couldn't possibly care less.

Even worse, a character that I thought had long since exited the film via train appears back in town as if he never left. No idea what that was about.

The acting, particularly one crying scene where Crowe stands by as one woman is regretting her hope for who died, was so bad as to be laughable.

Also, I'm no plane expert, but I'm pretty sure that in WWII planes, you had to use things like flaps and rudders to get the plane to change direction. Not these planes. They float magically through the sky, nothing moving on them in the slightest, no matter where they go.

I fail to see the point of including the gay guys. Is it to show how politically correct the filmmakers were in 1993? These days, gay characters aren't furniture that we use to judge main characters or the writers.

As for political correctness, I found it was particularly crass to dedicate the film to the airmen who trained in Manitoba during WWII, thereby daring anyone to give it a negative review, lest we not be supportive of the troops. This film depicts them as sex crazed loonies just as likely to crash a plane in a rage, as to fly one straight, mostly because they spend most of their times inside women instead of planes.

This film could easily have been cut down to one hour, and been somewhat better. Ultimately, it probably isn't salvageable.
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