Subvert that paradigm!
3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The world of right-wing conspiracy theorist and alternative medicine enthusiast Alex Jones is examined in this non-judgemental but revealing documentary. Jones, who runs the website Prisonplanet.com, believes that 9/11 was an inside job, that the participants in the annual Bilderberg conference are our real masters, and that the gubmint is coming for us so we'd better buy lots of guns and ammo, but New World Order doesn't examine the merits or demerits of each theory, preferring to concentrate on the obsessive behavior of its subject. As director Luke Myer has noted, this isn't a film designed to make people believe one theory or another: it's a film about those who resolutely reside far outside the parameters of the dominant paradigm and, right or wrong, have the courage to tell the world what they think it needs to hear.
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