Awful, stupid, boring, you get the picture...
19 January 2010
If you want to learn about film-making, you should watch this awful movie, you'll see horrible film-making and learn a lot.

For example, why in the holy hell was the camera up the nose of every actor? Every scene, every shot, the camera was all up in their grills.

And, hello...makeup?! Like other reviews have mentioned - these people are ugly! UG-LY! Some standard movie make-up would have helped at least a little bit, but its so obvious whoever maxed out their credit cards and blackmailed a distributor to get this film made and released had no idea what in the hell they were doing.

There is nudity in this film, but holy hell, trust me you probably don't want to see it. Ugly girls, one who looks like a butch lesbian. Now, the one that looked like a lesbian kind of had a nice body, but once her and her friend got naked, it really wasn't all that nice too look at. And the plot/acting/etc ... ??? Uh...yea, I just am not going to try to even understand how the hell were supposed to believe people act like this.
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