Screw the Rules in America because Shut Up... Nyeh.
16 January 2010
This is the one that started it all; the show that caused abridging anime (and, on occasion, other things) to become an Internet phenomenon. With its parodying of obvious plot holes, clever catchphrases, and pop culture references galore, Yugioh Abridged has humor that nearly anyone can enjoy.

And yet, even amidst all of the hilarious and incredibly quotable lines, the Abridged Series still manages to retain the basic plot elements of the Yugioh Anime. People who have never seen the show, yet have watched the Abridged Series, actually begin to develop interest in the original series (I've seen it happen). Because of this, the series also serves as a great way to introduce your friends to Yugioh... in a way that's slightly more acceptable than usual.

LittleKuriboh, the man that writes, edits, and voices nearly the entire show, is a comedic writer on par with the best that Hollywood has to offer, and its inconceivable that he has not been hired to write for television as of yet. The humor, with the exception of comments on Mai Valentine, is suitable for all ages, and is brilliant in both its simplicity and its timing.

For those of you reading this that have never seen the series, I think it's quite obvious I highly recommend it. For those of you who have already seen the series, I apologize for being so boring and formal, and your mother plays card games in hell.
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