Machined Reborn (2009 Video)
May Contain a Spoiler, but I don't see how
13 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I got suckered in to watching this waste of time. Had I known it was a remake of that mess "Machined" I wouldn't have bothered.I know, it's supposed to be a "sequel" but it's basically the exact same movie on a slightly bigger budget. I watch a lot of horror movies both major productions and indie films. I don't expect a lot from the cheaper production but I do expect a coherent plot. The film school dropouts that sort of put this mess together really need some help.

It's basically about a disgusting slob that lives in a junkyard and turns some hapless soul in to his own personal killing machine. It's never really clear just how he's able to do that. The whole point of movies like this is to create a "scary" environment, display some gruesome special effects, maybe show a little boob, and kill off as many people as possible. I get that. That's why I watch 'em. But I also expect to be a little entertained. Like the movie should have some kind of plot I can understand without having to watch the film over again and read what other people say about it (who the hell is "Motor Man"?) And this flick is just plain cruel. It's pretty much just an excuse to try and graphically depict torture, especially on semi-hot women. Watch "Hostel" or "Hostel 2" again if that's what gets you off. This just appeals to the lowest common denominator. Yeah, they have the "drilling human flesh" part down pretty well and over use it. It should make you squirm. But let's not encourage these losers to make yet another version. try anything else.
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