AIDS junk science exposed - The Movie
6 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Brent Leung's masterpiece "House of Numbers" has the AIDS establishment scrambling to do damage control. Brent presents his documentary non biased, and lets the interviewed individuals tell their side of the story(even if they contradict their fellow scientific colleagues from the AIDS establishment).

Brent also interviews scientists and others that question HIV (the AIDS dissidents/rethinkers as they call themselves, the AIDS orthodoxy calls them "denialists"). The AIDS rethinkers make a lot more sense than the mainstream scientists and seem to have a better grasp to what causes AIDS. I looked for Leung's bias as you might find in some documentaries but could not determine if he leaned toward one way or the other while conducting his interviews.

This film questions HIV/AIDS as a whole and shows the viewer that after all the Billions spent on HIV research, all aspects of HIV/AIDS science are suspect by misleading the public at the very least, and most of all, diagnosing and drugging people with faulty test methods of various kinds, giving healthy people a death sentence then prescribing toxic drugs that degrades the quality of life and slowly poisons them to death. Yes I will agree with you that it sounds like science/medical thriller.

I viewed this film as a rethinker and I am biased because the science gave me that bias. I hope you see this film no matter what you think you believe about AIDS. I had no idea that science was divided about HIV/AIDS until I read some information a while back. I never remember seeing anything in the news about it, but science has been divided on this since the very beginning of the viral cause(HIV)was made public in 1984.It did not take very long before I changed my mind.

Brent had many questions in this film and you would think that the AIDS establishment would be able to clear everything up but they only make you question the whole thing in the same way a slick salesman would make you question their product and character.

A film like this may have seemed like conspiracy theory content years ago, but in the days where well known theories are being exposed as fraud like global warming and other medical scams, It makes sense to at least question what you believe and know why you believe it. Questioning and balanced research is very healthy with everything in life. Brent did this very well in House of Numbers.
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