An old soldier's last battle
6 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This episode manages to combine a stand alone story about an old Klingon wanting one last glorious battle into the main story arc about the war against the Dominion and the Cardassians. Kor, a renowned hero of the war against the Federation has grown old and is feeling increasingly irrelevant, seeking one last command he asks Worf to use his influence with General Martok. When Work goes to see the General it is clear that there is bad blood between the two of them, it later emerges that Kor blocked Martok's original application to become an officer because he wasn't from the right social class. Eventually Worf gets him a position but only as third officer. Initially the crew are in awe of Kor but when the senior officers are injured in an attack he takes command and it is clear that his memory isn't what it once was as he thinks he is fighting the Federation alongside an old friend who in fact died many years before. Following this he is treated as a joke by the crew... as Dominion forces approach from behind he sees one last chance for a glorious death...

It was nice to see an episode where most of the action took place away from both DS9 and the Federation. That is not to say nothing happened back at the station, there was an amusing subplot where Quark was somewhat upset when he thought that Ezri was interested in getting together again with Worf.
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