Doctor Who: The End of Time: Part Two (2010)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
A bit of a Let down.
2 January 2010
I defended part 1 from those who didn't like it, I actually made fun of them but after seeing part 2 perhaps they knew what I didn't. I was disappointed with part 2. So much time was wasted on useless things, going over ground that had been gone over before. The build up to the action wasn't all that tense and when the action finally hit it was anti-climatic. It was a bit of a let down, and the preview I saw for next season with Matt Smith did not improve my mood. It looks like it has been made over into some 'tweener show. I hope I am wrong.

Also I would say to the idea above that this is is last regeneration, that's wrong, he didn't regenerate in Stolen Earth so Matt Smith is #11, so there can be another.
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