Old Dogs (I) (2009)
It Doesn't Deserve The Word "Bad"
11 December 2009
First and foremost, for anybody who read my review and wanted to say that I'm a total idiot for loving this one, than forgive me for my love to this movie.

Old Dogs is a movie of a family comedy genre, so anyone that wanted to have a bad joke or rude joke just like the ones in Tropic Thunder, than this one is definitely not for you. It got a very good family atmosphere and this is definitely the one for them who values family the most.

When I see this movie, all I have to think is, how they portrayed some problem in human's life greatly and they (Travolta and Williams) did a great job here. They could portrayed all of that problem and mix it with ridiculous jokes that's not harmful to the young generation who watch this.

So why the bad review? If you want to watch a crude joke about life, watch American Pie or anything of some sort. This movie is only watchable for them with open mind and could accept it as something that we could learn from. Do you know that a lot of movies were inspired by a true story from human's life? It could be yours, it could be mine, it could be anyone's. So respect it and watch it. It's a very good family movie.

My rating would be 10/10
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