End of the Line (II) (2007)
What has become of IMDb when this gets a 6.1?
5 December 2009
What in the hell did i just watch? and further more why in the hell are IMDb users giving this anything above a 2? This is by far the worst horror movie i have ever seen in my life, and thats saying something because i have seen some god awful horror flicks. Lets start this off nice and easy.

The Acting. The emotion was so forced and jaded it was ridiculous. There was nothing believable about it. THe movie made the actors in my high school plays look like Al Pacino or Marlon Brando. THey were terrible and should never be allowed to have roles in films ever again. PERIOD!

The Writing. Once again the kids in my creative writing class my senior year could write the pants off the fellows behind this movie. No emotion, simply childish writing. IT WAS SO UNBELIEVABLE I KAN NOT STRESS IT ENOUGH. I compare the script of this movie to a wanna be rebel fake nihilistic high school student, trys to do everything to be different even if that means being completely retarded. i mean for Christ sake they talked about muffins half the movie.

THE SPECIAL EFFECTS why are people raving about the gore and the "creatures"? the blood seriously looked as if it was bought at Party City. And when someone was cut they would throw the blood on the people. For instance a throat is slit, so blood explodes everywhere.

BUT SAYING ALL THIS, the movie is good for a comedy, a good movie to watch with a group of your mates and make fun of the entire night. Its worth it for the little gems, like that man who gets stabbed over and over again. And the crazy old woman who gets stabbed BY HER OWN MATE!


but terrible if it were to be taken seriously
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