Review of Baby for Sale

Baby for Sale (2004 TV Movie)
Hated this film
26 November 2009
I agree with the comment about the stupidity of this movie. Why do we watch such trite? I think sometimes they are so bad you can't believe what you're watching. I like Hart Bochner's work. Loved him in Die Hard as the coke sniffing executive. He was wasted in this silly film. And the dame who played his wimpy wife looked like his mother. Dana Delany was terrible and obnoxious. I never wanted her to get the baby. She was too selfish a person to have any children. Going against her husband, the law to get her way. And nobody stops her. Even in the courtroom when she stands up and gives this phony speech about what's best for th child, it was sickening. I turned off the TV when the idiot judge was about to give over the child to her. I just don't want to see it. However, aside for my respect for Bochner's work, I did like the guy who played the shady dealer. Bruce Ramsay gave a decent performance. Almost like he was laughing through the whole movie.

So, kudos for Ramsay and Bochner's presence and thumbs down for the movie and the leading lady, Delany.
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