Good story concept. Incompetent screenplay.
14 November 2009
Very suspenseful in places, but there are too many loose ends that are never tied up. The ending was awful and rushed, at that. Could have been better scripted; didn't seem like the editor could have saved this one. Several additional scenes needed to be added to provide plot and character continuity. Like, "Who was the boy and what was his significance to anything? What was his relationship to Gene? Who was Gene?" On and on and on.......too bad, good subject; bad screenplay. Although I know the background of this particular film (my daughter played in it), it is obvious that there was not enough money to go back and complete enough pick ups to make this thing flow the way it should have. 3 of 10 only because there were some decent performances by the cast and crew.A lot of soft focus when it shouldn't have been used. Don't know if this was intentional or not, but it was distracting.
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