It Was Defenitley A "Wrong" Turn
12 November 2009
Wrong Turn 3 Dead End, is nowhere near the level of goodness between Wrong Turn and Wrong Turn 2 Dead End. This film just destroyed the trilogy! Not it's just a twin. Wrong Turn 3 is nothing like the other Wrong Turns.

The negative points of Wrong Turn 3- It was boring, bad cast, stupid graphic of violence when people died and it was certainly TERRIBLY ACTED. Look at the guy who was screaming at the beginning of the film. THAT-WAS-TERRIBLE! The whole movie was just based on the people in the woods. They were just talking! This is the cycle of the movie: Kill, talk, fight, kill, talk, fight...

And the positive points of Wrong Turn 3- THERE ARE NONE!!!!

Terrible, stupid, bad graphic, overdone, three-finger Isn't three-finger, lack of plot, terrible tag line.

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