Average Horror Parody
1 November 2009
There's plenty of decapitation and our hero Bruce Campbell gives it his all, but I thought there was something missing from this film. I'm really not sure what it was, but something prevented me from giving this the full ten stars. Maybe it's the whole "movie within a movie" ending that I hated. The Wayne's World movie already did that, and it kind of ruined the plot for me. I know you're not supposed to take the plot seriously, but still...Maybe it's just the fact that I'm getting older and prefer my horror a bit more serious. I know it's hard, but we've all gotta grow up some day, don't we? Anyway, I thought the humor was typical of many modern silly comedies... raunchy. Overall, just average. It kind of reminded me of another indie(I think it was indie)flick called "Dead and Breakfast".

Note: The Sheriff got killed twice! Once at the gas station and once when he was singing with The Mayor.
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