The Rescue (1988)
The Rescue -- Entertaining silliness
23 October 2009
Three Navy seals successfully complete their mission in international waters off the coast of North Korea, but are captured by the North Koreans and charged with espionage. They could be executed. Back on a U.S. base in South Korea are the children of the five seals, JJ Merrill (Kevin Dillon), Shawn Howard (Ned Vaughn) and Adrian Phillips (Christine Harnos) who decided to rescue their dads after the U.S. president decides that the rescue mission, called Operation Phoenix, is not practicable. They steal the plans for Operation Phoenix, steal a speed boat and then embark on an all-night journey to North Korea. Max (Marc Price) inadvertently tags along as does Shawn's little brother. Now obviously the plot of "The Rescue" is preposterous and predictable, but it is also a lot of fun to watch. The cinematography often looks great that, unless you did not know better, you would think they were filming this movie in North Korea. The energy and enthusiasm of the actors, who seem to have as much fun playing their roles as we have watching them, does often seem silly, but it gives a whole new life to the script and the film. Also unarmed kids staging their own rescue mission inside North Korea is an inherently fun idea that plays off of wholesome notions, like the bond between children and their parents. If you have a few drinks in you and are looking for some light entertainment or if you are below the age of 10, then this film is probably the right one for you.
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