Interesting idea badly executed!
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A nice idea and some great concepts in the script. It seems to me that whomever wrote the script was aiming to make an Aussie movie that would appeal to the US audience. This is a real shame as it sucks the punch out of the story and undermines some good performances and some good comedy.

Here's a few problems with the direction and script that bothered me while watching this: Characterisation: With the exception of the main characters all other characters are poorly drawn. The TV and Radio hosts are badly acted along with the TV interviewers who stand on the steps of the court house. The problem is that these are the elements that we as viewers are the most familiar with leaving me with the impression that they just couldn't be bothered to pay enough attention to the detail.

Music: Oddly, the music editing in this film is amazingly distracting. The music is often too loud over the actors voices which makes it hard to concentrate on the performances. Also it seems that the editors couldn't resist in laying music over almost every scene. Basically there's way too much music and it's used heavy handedly throughout.

The Love Story: Where the **** did that come from? There was a nice bit of friendship chemistry between the two leads but I don't think there's any element of the film that hinted at them falling in love until they start snogging. I think the film would have been stronger if they'd remained friends with a strong respect for each other.

Cop out ending: It seems that the writers wrote themselves into a bit of a corner and by the beginning of the third act you start to wonder how their going to get themselves out of it. For a film that raises a pretty serious issue they seem to abandon their principles at the last moment which is a shame because it's the main hook of the movie in my opinion. Plus and ill conceived "sign from god" episode which is completely pointless.

Summary A reasonable vehicle for Billy Connelly who is as watchable as ever but unfortunately it lacks the courage of its convictions.
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