Air of Paris (1954)
11 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I knew going in not to expect too much but I'm a glass-is-always-half-full type and always prepared to be pleasantly surprised. It started well; just reading the credits, seeing the name Jean Gabin followed immediately by that of Arletty the whole supered over some great shots of Paris, not really 'touristy' but 'real' Paris, kick-started the drool gene and the evocative Ballade de Paris by Francis Lemarque sustained and lifted the anticipation another notch or two when the credits promised Yves Montand to sing it. Alas, Montand's no-show, no-hear was the first disappointment. Arletty was, of course, magic and proved she can do dowdy as well as the next drudge. Gabin was magic too and although they worked well together somehow the whole fell a lot short of the parts. A listless love affair between two less than dynamic performers didn't help - even in middle age Arletty and Gabin would have sparked them out of sight and the 'boxing', coming years after The Set-Up, Body And Soul and Champion, was a joke. Great to see Arletty and Gabin in anything but what it might have been if Carne was still working with Prevert.
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