Got off to good start but let itself down...
9 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to seeing this, and for the first hour or so I wasn't disappointed - good story, good acting, good use of flashbacks - but then... For me, this film seemed to paint itself into a corner as it got towards the end. Once we got to the scene in the field, at the end, we knew that he wasn't going to shoot Joanne, because of the heart-to-heart they'd had in the car. We also suspected that he wasn't going to shoot Kelly, if only because she'd been so sympathetically portrayed throughout. So we assume that he's going to shoot the pimp (because he'd been portrayed as thoroughly unsympathetic throughout). Which he does. Ho hum. At this point I was thinking "please don't cut to a shot of the girls on the train to Devon". Which he did. I really wanted to like this film, and I did at first, but then the story didn't seem to know what to do with itself, and couldn't find an ending to live up to its beginnings. To be fair, neither could I.
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