Kill Us! Kill Us! Please Kill Us!
15 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** Coming across like a combination between "The Searchers" and "Wild Bunch" the western revenge movie "The Hunting Party" never quite matches, in blood gore and bullet ridden body's and body parts, either one of those movies. Not that it lacks the vital ingredients of both but because it's so ridiculous that you have a hard time believing it.

Riding through the town of Ruger outlaw Frank Calder, Oliver Reed, and his gang of desperado's kidnap Mellissa Ruger, Candice Bergen, for the sole purpose, in mistaking her for an elementary school teacher, of teaching Frank to read! It seems that Frank wants to read about his exploits in the newspapers besides looking at the pictures and comic-strips in them. As this is happening Mellissa's old man that the town of Ruger is named after Brandt Ruger, Gene Hackman, is out on a train trip with his millionaire friends to gun down wild game with this new high powered, that can hit its targets at 800 yards, and telescopic rifle that he gave his friends for a present for going on the trip with him. Getting the shocking news that his old lady, Mellissa, had been kidnapped Brandt shoots right back to Ruger, with his not too willing friends, to track and gun down Mellissa's kidnappers as well as save her from a fate worse then death; Being gang raped by Frank and his motley crew.

Gunning down, at long range, most of Frank's men Brandt is shocked to later find out-from one of them- that his pretty and abused, mostly by him, wife has fallen in love with that dirty foul mouth and illiterate slob Frank Calder! By then most of Brandt's men, who are still left alive, decide to call it quits knowing that saving Mellissa is no longer worth their effort. Since she's been stricken not only by Frank's both charm and rugged good looks, not to mention his wild animal-like body odor, but the Stockholm Syndrome, a kidnap victim falling in love with his or her kidnapper, as well. Only Brandt's good friend, the only friend he now has left in the world, Matthw Gunn, Simon Okland, decides to go along with him on his mission to rescue his wife who in fact doesn't want to be rescued by him.

The film ends with a one on one confrontation between Frank and Brandt in the Mojave Desert with Matthew Gunn having by then come to his senses and checked out of the movie. With the big winning prize, since by then a couple dozen persons had been killed over her, being non other then Brandt's kidnapped wife and Frank's lover the beautiful and now suffering from a serious case of sun stroke Mellissa Ruger!

Not that bad of of film if you don't take it at all seriously and just watch it for laughs which I think that "The Hunting Party" was really intended for. The most moving and at the same time tragic scene in the movie had nothing to do with it's female star-whom everyone was killing themselves over-Candice Bergen but one of Frank's gang members Doc Harrison, Mitch Ryan.

***SPOILER ALERT***Badly wounded and dying Doc begged his good friend Frank to put him out of his misery which he didn't have the heart to do. Finally not being able to take it, Doc's groans of agony, anymore Frank did what he had to do but with both deep regret and apprehension. The way Frank did it would literally blow you, like it did Doc, completely away!
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