The X-Files: Revelations (1995)
Season 3, Episode 11
I always knew Windham Earle was disturbed, but the servant of evil?
14 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Revelations the Limerick:

Bodily sores or sensations

Resembling Christ's crucifixion

A hoax done by some

Is become true in one

A boy spoken of in predictions

This is one of those episodes for me that doesn't really feel like an X-Files episode and as such I always forget what its about. As an example of what I mean, I watched the episode a week or so ago and haven't gotten around to writing my review until now, and I had to go and read a summary to remind myself what it is about. The sad thing is its not even a bad episode. I don't know what the deal is. The only thing I can think of is that is is so similar to some other Catholic themed episodes. Specifically the one with the girls getting struck by lightning where Scully sees the four headed beast from Revelations etc. Don't remember the title of the episode off the top of my head. I think there is one or more others as well. It seems like each of these episodes follows a very specific template. 1) Some Catholic dogma or whatever you call it happens to be real (stigmata, story from the bible, etc.). 2) Mulder and Scully come in to investigate. 3) Mulder routinely decides to not believe in this case because it is based on religion. 4) Scully does believe it. 5) There is a bad guy who is the servant of evil. 6) There is a good guy who is the servant of God but who is also the primary suspect. 7) There is a "special" child that needs to be protected by the servant of God. 8) Servant of God becomes incapacitated and Scully believes she is now the chosen of God. 9) Some kind of ending here.

The episode is entertaining enough but I, like Mulder, found myself rolling my eyes at times with some of Scully's explanations. "There was this one time in the Apocrypha where some saint was able to sprout wings and fly. That must me what happened in this case as well." Right Scully. Where's your science to back that one up? Some big pluses for the episode come from the casting. The guy that played Owen was awesome. And hey guys! its Windham Earle! I give a 7 out of 10.
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