Review of Taking Chance

Taking Chance (2009 TV Movie)
Eye of the Beholder
14 September 2009
Back in 2003, I read Steven Brill's account of the aftermath of 9/11 in the United States. One of the many stories in the account dealt with rumors among the families of the victims, that the human remains intermingled with the debris. Feelings ran so strong that the City of New York finally arranged for a review of the site by a committee of family representatives. What they found were that the workers at the site were sifting through the wreckage with a far higher degree of care and sensitivity than they could possibly have guessed. People, at the end of the day, care about people.

I viewed 'Taking Chance' in that context. The political heat that infuses some of the other comments, is surprising to me. I didn't see the movie as making any political statement at all. In fact, to the extent that one can be inferred, it is mildly negative on the Iraqi war, raising the question of whether all this grief was worth it.

What it is about, is the respect that ordinary people have for grief and sacrifice. To that extent, it is profoundly moving,
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