Old age...
12 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
By the hands of Director Hiner Saleem the actor Michel Piccoli - in the role of Marcel - gives us another one of his memorable performances. The movie approaches a subject that scares many: old age and death. Marcel who lives in the last floor of a declining building in a Paris suburb, has for constant company an immigrant neighbor (Amar). In his floor lives a drug addicted - in the beginning of old age - whose end it is expected: death (or suicide?) from overdose. Marcel has at times, an infantile behavior: however he laughs at the friend (Amar) who already cannot swim in the adults pool and only goes to the child's pool to wet his feet, however he puts his fingers in his mouth or asks for silence, blanket on the shoulders, like playing "hide-and-seek" with friends and suddenly is discovered by another child (metaphoric figure:play "hide and-seek" with death?...). Marcel has a friend, Thérèse (Mylène Demongeot) who works in a restaurant near by and tries to minimize his suffering, however providing a fan, however buying with her scarce incomes an environment heater... The camera, most of the times, stands static, capturing wonderfully the scenery: whether in the only room, divided only by curtains, whether in the corridor, in which a close-up details a sink with a slow-leakage faucet, as to pronounce the rhythm of the lives that are drained there... As a complement, a soundtrack that at sometimes sounds glad and other sounds like a very sad music... To complete the excellent scenic composition, lightning that illuminates the room through one and tiny window, from where at far one glimpses "the roof of Paris" and sometimes the water of the rain that drains from the glass, tracing drawings as if were veins and arteries pulsating from that body which waits only for death... From 1 to 10 I vote: 10 (masterpiece).
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