Road to Hell (2008)
Movie is a Acid Trip to Hell, then Heaven
2 August 2009
I was going to wait until I saw the finished film to comment but people from the Fantastic Fest screening are giving their early views so here's mine. I agree with everything all three say about it. It is a very bent vision that is at turns intoxicating, offensive, moving and repulsive. It isn't the kind of movie where you just sit back and turn off your brain because I think the filmmaker intend for you to think about what you are hearing and what you are seeing. It's ambitious in how dense with nuance the plot, if you can call it that, is with all sorts of contradiction. The fact that the film was so unfinished made it hard to watch at times so I have to withhold any final judgements. Same for no giving a proper synopsis because I am sure they will need to work on that. I am very curious to see it. It's really a throwback to acid trip movies of the 60's and 70's where the audience had to bring their own head trips to mingle with the film's. Michael Pare and Clare Kramer are riveting. The movie leans heavily on their charisma and ability to keep the audience sympathetic with their characters even as they perform the most heinous and repellant acts on other characters and yes, jeeps. I think they should have waited before screening the film is such a rough form but I hope they got useful feedback they can incorporate as the shape the final film. This film could be a ten if they pull it all together or it could end up a 1. It's got the potential to do both. Heaven or Hell.
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