Mortal Kombat 4 (1997 Video Game)
Unfairly underrated. It completes the series with dignity.
25 July 2009
I'm glad the Mortal Kombat series took a chance in the 3-D world. "Tekken" and "Street Fighter Alpha" ruled the fighting video games world at the time so it was about time for Mortal Kombat to appear into scene.

The result was excellent. It's one of the most beautiful yet dark fighting games ever created. It continued with the addictive kombo system of part III plus it had spectacular, dark graphics, an amazing sound mixed with creepy sounds and haunting tunes (like when Sub-Zero performs his classic fatality).

Only the most important characters survived MK III. But the new additions are excellent. Specially Quan Chi and Shinnok.

This is overall a fantastic video game that should please fans of the MK series. Expect a whole creepy atmosphere in 3D.

I don't know why fans didn't like it. It's fun, has a great plot, amazing graphics, and the violence factor won't let you down.

A new classic.
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