Pink Angels (1971)
Quite simply the worst movie ever made
22 July 2009
I hope when I am on my death bed I do not remember the 81 minutes I spent watching this utter disaster of a movie. I didn't laugh once. If you want to see a movie about over the top gays and laugh at societies' reaction to them, I suppose Bruno might be a better option. This film just isn't funny, or sexy, or intelligent. I could go on (apparently I have to in order to leave a comment on IMDb!) O.k., the acting is atrocious. The biker costumes are awful. The military costumes aren't. They are sorta green hunting jackets from a sporting goods store. The soldier in the film has bushy side burns (apparently he didn't think the script was worth shaving for). He calls his general when he sees the opening a mail box (with the house number clearly visible) to grab a white phone and start talking (prop department? What prop department?) Oh, and the music is beyond amateurish and doesn't even fit the scenes. If you think a cow "mooo" sound effect is funny when a woman's breasts are shown, by all means, see this movie. Then shoot yourself and do your part to advance the human gene pool.
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