Review of The Unforeseen

As a film, not great at all.
12 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As one who enjoys a good documentary and also passionate about the fact that we're heading for eco-disaster, I was kind of looking forward to watching this movie.

Unfortunately, the only thing I got out of it was that Austin seems like a nice place to visit or live (thus attracting more people and more development), and that the Springs in question were very attractive, and worth preserving.

But the movie just goes on for hours about a subject which could be summed up in a 15 minute news article.

Also, this stuff is what we should have been watching in the 80's. Its too late for this now. We have more important stuff to worry about, like where the refugees from the frozen, scorched, and flooded parts of the world are going to live. And what we're gonna eat when we have 10 billion people.

Geez, its human survival we're fighting for, not just a pretty hot spring !!! Perspective please !!

I wanna see James Cameron or Roland Emmerich making something about how, just before the world was about to end, everyone got off their asses and did something, and we all lived happily ever after.

-------------- The above was written after about the first half of the movie when I was wondering if I was alone in thinking the movie sucked.

Now I've completed the movie, my opinion has degraded further. There was a small improvement, but the ending was just bizarre !

Ending on the developer going out of business ?? What point is the film trying to make?

And then more touching music and poetry. Give me a break.

I would not recommend this movie to anyone. Just read these reviews then watch Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore's latest talk on TED, A Crude Awakening, 11th Hour etc. etc. oh and "The Day After Tomorrow" !!
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