Doctor Who: Love & Monsters (2006)
Season 2, Episode 10
Offbeat, but worth the watching
8 July 2009
Since the basis for this episode was a Blue Peter contest, it was going to be campy. So RTD just went for the romp... why not? When viewing the DVD of series 2, this is one of the episodes I usually skip - it doesn't have a great effect on the overall story arc, and the monster reminds me way too much of Austin Powers' "Fat Bastard." That said, this episode is worth watching, and even worth re-watching from time to time. Elton is a regular joe caught up in the fringes of the Doctor's world, and Mark Warren did a great job (not to mention that his butt-shot was the best one of the show hands down). Shirley Henderson is a treat, and the rest of the LINDA members are impossible to dislike.

But the best reason to watch this episode is Jackie Tyler. We get the Doctor's POV and the companion's POV, but what happens to the people who are left behind when the TARDIS whooshes on to its next adventure? Jackie doesn't have an extraordinarily eventful life, no serious significant other, no career - so what does she get up to while Rose is away? What does she feel about her daughter's way of life? How does the secret she's holding onto affect her, especially after Mickey is gone and there is no one she can talk to about it? One of the best lines of the episode is Jackie's statement that she will defend Rose AND the Doctor to the end of her life. She doesn't understand it all and she doesn't like it all but her loyalty is steadfast. And beneath all the dinginess, the flightiness, the flirtiness, is a core of steel - we see where Rose got her grit from. By the time Army of Ghosts and Doomsday come round, we're not surprised that Jackie is a full participant, ready to stand up to Torchwood, to anyone to protect those she loves. Brava, Jackie Tyler. Brava Camille Coduri.
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