Richard Nixon … What a Psycho!
5 July 2009
This movie clearly suffers from a syndrome that was quite common the world of 80's horror cinema; namely the identity crisis. Like so many other contemporary horror flicks, "Horror House on Highway Five" isn't exactly sure whether it wants to be a comedy/spoof movie or a full-blooded slasher picture. Obviously back then it was more interesting to make a spoof, since there already was an over-production of regular teen slashers, but efficient comedy and genuine horror are two incredibly difficult ingredients to mix into one scenario. Writer/director Richard Casey here in this case completely failed to put the two genres in the blender together and what came out is an embarrassing amateur horror production with retarded jokes and over-the-top clichéd situations that aren't the least bit funny or inventive; not even when you're in a slight state of drunk or stoned. A wannabe occultist intends to resurrect a mad German scientist named Bartholomew Steiner and kidnaps a female student working on a thesis about the same notorious historical figure. Meanwhile there's a maniac, disguised in a Richard Nixon face mask, prowling around the titular highway and terrorizing teenagers. I know it's a long shot, but if you fancy sheer lunacy and incoherence, you'll love "Horror House on Highway Five". Everything to make film insufferable and irritating is overly well-presented, like atrocious music, tripe acting performances and clumsy direction. It's boring beyond words and doesn't contain any worthwhile moments of bloodshed, neither. One to avoid at all costs. If you really want to see an 80's movie that combines horror and parody reasonably adequate, check out "Student Bodies".
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