What Goes Up (2009)
What an unusual and terrific film!
27 June 2009
I was really struck by this film. I won't rehash the plot as that has been done on numerous posts. But I would like to address the bafflingly low rating. I admit, under normal circumstances, I'd give the film an 8 because it does suffer from inconsistencies, but thought I should do my part to up the number. I'd hate for people who might completely groove with the film's strange rhythms to be dissuaded. Thanks to the guy who put up all those great quotes from the few critics who dug the movie. It's simply a movie that not everyone's going to love -- but some definitely will. Some say this film tried too hard. I really disagree. It concentrates on the human emotions between the characters and it does this very well, with humor and without straying into melodrama. Does it crowd in a whole bunch of other details like teen pregnancy and the Challenger shuttle and even shoplifting? You bet. But it deliberately lets those topics exist on their own. They are well trodden topics which we've all seen before and the movie lets them resonate without a whole lot of effort - so it is kind of the opposite of trying too hard. The film sets a mood, it doesn't tell a sweeping story. It fools you into thinking it's ripping off Juno - but it's so different and far better. I think if your a fan of Godard who liked to break up the calcified traditions of storytelling, you will dig What Goes Up.
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