Decent Drive-In Flick
19 June 2009
Schoolgirls in Chains (1973)

** (out of 4)

Two brothers, one a good-looking, seemingly normal man (Gary Kent) and the other a retarded, child-like man (John Stoglin) are sent by their mother to kidnap women and keep them chained up in their basement. Mommy does all of this so that her retarded son will have someone to "play" with. This film certainly fits into the exploitation genre but it isn't as wild or as sexual as the title would make you believe. During an interview on the DVD the director lets it be known that this title was just thrown on by the producer so that it would draw people in. Overall the film isn't too bad but it contains a "twist" in the story, which is so obvious that it really slows the film down because we have to wait eighty-minutes for the characters in the film to pick up on it. If I named the movie or director that this is ripping off then it would be a dead giveaway but I'd be shocked if anyone didn't have it figured out by at least the thirty-minute mark. I picked up on it right when the first clue happens and I'm sure many others will as well. Other than that the film actually delivers some decent performances and direction. The most interesting scene is one that seems to have been copied later in HALLOWEEN. There's a scene where the retarded brother is stalking a future victim and he walks from the front of the house to a side window to look in on a couple making out on a couch. This whole sequence is very close to what we see at the start of HALLOWEEN so it was interesting to see it being done here five years before the Carpenter movie. The low budget actually helps the film because it creates a nice atmosphere and really makes the movie seem all the more realistic. Kent gives the best performance in the film and Stoglin is good too even though his performance is more off the wall during certain times. The nudity in the film is rather low, although the retarded brother does like to play "doctor" with his female victims. There's really nothing too special here but there is enough where fans of drive-in exploitation will want to check it out.
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