Sixpack Annie (1975)
10 June 2009
This is one of the Southern-fried "hickspoiation" flicks that were very popular in the drive-in circuit in the South during the 1970s (even though they didn't always offer a very flattering portrait of the region). This is a lot more tame than most, however, and kind of anticipates the network TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". (The lead actress, Lindsey Bloom, was a semi-regular on that show and her husband, country singer Mayf Nutter, supposedly inspired it).

Bloom plays the titular sexpot "Six Pack Annie" who tools around in a dusty pickup truck dressed in a halter-top and short-shorts with an ever-present six-pack of beer slung over her shoulder (I guess drunk driving wasn't much of a concern back then). The conflict unfolds when the aunt she lives with is about to lose her diner unless she can come up with $30,000 for the bank. The horny local sheriff (kind of a cross between "Boss Hogg" and "Roscoe P. Coltrane"), who likes to spy on "Annie" and her boyfriend (Bruce Boxleighter) while they skinny-dip, is willing to give her his whole life-savings for a little bit of corn-pone poontang, but he doesn't have enough money, nor does anyone else in this po-dunk town, so she and a friend head down to Miami Beach where her sister (Louise Moritz) is living in order that she can find a rich "sugar daddy"

Bloom is not a bad actress for someone off the "Hee-Haw" circuit, but she spends a little too much time acting and not nearly enough time stripping off (Moritz, at least, spends all her screen time in nothing but a see-through negligee). The movie really goes nowhere after they arrive in Miami Beach, and it is rarely very funny (they even steal a joke from the British comedy classic "Carry on Camping at one point", but I doubt anyone in the Southern drive-ins noticed). Bloom and Moritz were both in a lot of sexploitation flicks in the 1970's like "HOTS", "The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood", and "The Last American Virgin". Most were quite a bit racier than this, but they really weren't any better. If you're a fan of the more tame redneck-athon fare like "The Dukes of Hazzard", you might like this, but definitely have a six-pack (or two) on hand when you watch it.
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