In every human being there is an ineffable inner beauty awaiting to be discovered
4 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was happily entertained by this light comedy!

Nia Vardalos's 40-ish classics scholar cum tour guide, Georgia may be ordinary and plain in her fashion taste, but she's so full of energy. It's hard not to keep pace with her as she handles her diversified and obnoxious group of international tourists who depict the negative cultural stereotypes of tourists. You bet, these tourists are not the sort of ambassadors that nations would want to be represented. Sadly, these distinctively negative and stereotypical cultural traits are not a phenomenon that is unheard of.... especially if one has worked in a tour operation.

What I enjoy most about this movie is the way the characters are developed to move the story along. Yep, every character is amusing to follow. Hhhmmh, snooty Brits, Australian alcoholics, loudmouthed Americans with baseball caps and sneakers, sassy Spanish divorcees, and even a haughty International House of Pancake workaholic executive, to make up a colorful lot for laughs! To top it all, Georgia's career is constantly faced with ruin from the scheming and menacing Nico, a fellow tour guide. Like with her group of tourists, we are not missing out on the history and sightseeing of some of Athens' famous ancient archaeological sites, such as Acropolis, Temple of Olympian Zeus the Parthenon the Temple of Delphi. I was plunged into my own experience with Athens as I watch Georgia guide her group through the steps and ruins. Anyone who has been to Athens will be expected to say that shopping and dining at Plaka is a must, so is time spent at one of the beaches at Athens Riviera.

I even like the romance that is subtly crafted into the story. Two people who couldn't be more different in traits and temperament! The way Alexis Georgoulis's Poupi gradually transforms to his final appearance is so cool. Sure, we know what to expect from the film's appropriate title and we can easily guess how the story would ultimately reach its finale. However, the events, that initiate the changes in each of the characters' attitudes and values, are pretty hilarious to observe. Yep, overall, I was entertained, really delighted to see a comedy without crudity and without the same old toilet and boob jokes.

My favorite character is Sheila Bernette's Dorcas, the nimble kleptomaniac senior citizen. Every time she makes her presence, she does certainly command our watchful attention... and what follows never fails to kick off our chuckles. And I love the message the story seems to deliver... that in every person there's always an inner beauty to uncover. And that's the lesson we can learn from Richard Dreyfuss' Irv!

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