Britain's Got Talent ? I Beg To Differ
30 May 2009
It's impossible to pick up a British tabloid without reading about the newest media star created by this show . I decided to ignore it since it's lumpen nonsense . The panel itself was enough to give the show a miss

Piers Morgan . A former Fleet Street editor of a rag called The Daily Mirror . Morgan's main claim to fame is that he published obviously faked pictures of soldiers " torturing " suspects at a Basra army base . Anywhere else in the world this would have led to him facing charges of treason but after being sacked by the paper his career really took off in a big way . Only in Britain

Amanda Holden . An actress who is famous for being Amanda Holden , which tells you how well she's made a career out of being an actress

Simon Cowell . Okay fair enough

The word talent is very vague . On Britain's Got Talent it seems " talent " is a euphemism of " gimmick " . You got a family pet that can tap dance then have a go on this show . If you're a talented human being who can play an invisible musical instrument or juggle wheelbarrows then audition and you'll be chosen for the semi finals . If you're even less talented than your peers then don't worry because " talent " can be an euphemism for " sob story victim "

Actually this is why the show is so objectionable - it's highly manipulative . Someone comes on and says they've had a close family relative die recently , or they've reached middle age without receiving a french kiss and everyone will fall over themselves to improve the victim's life . Perhaps the worst personification of this was ten year old Hollie Steel bursting in to tears and being told by the producers she's blown her chance . Cue more banshee like wailing from young Hollie that led to Simon saying " I don't know how but we'll find time to give you a second chance . I can see young Hollie having a career as an actress since talent or a lack of it has never stopped Amanda Holden being famous

But this show has nothing to do with anything resembling talent does it ?
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