Resident Evil 5 (2009 Video Game)
A very pleasant surprise
28 May 2009
I had been wondering whether to buy this game since mid March, and I pretty much forgot about it after it first came out. Then I was shopping the other day and was looking for some new games when I came across it again. I decided to buy it and I was quite surprised at how impressive it was overall. The graphics are especially beautiful and near perfect, and the storyline, though pretty much the same as RE4, is still great. I have no problems with the new game style except that I feel they should have done a different type of storyline, not one that was obviously copying RE4, which was pretty much the best game I have ever played on PS2. Still, apart from that, I have no other faults to pick with this game. Seeing Chris and Jill again, and also Wesker, made the game even better for me. Sheva, the new character, is also great, I took a liking to her almost at once. Seeing Chris and Jill, and Chris and Wesker together in a new game is brilliant and I praise the makers of the game for doing this for us. The enemies, boss enemies and locations in this game are also great fun. I can't really say that there is a part of this game I didn't enjoy. The only thing I would like to say in closing is that I hope the next game (if there is one) chooses a completely different type of story, without the Las Plagas. I would really like to keep the new game engine though, since I really enjoy it. 8/10
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