Well, it doesn't suck, though it doesn't rise above mediocre either.
27 May 2009
Gay theme + indie budget usually = the suck, and I tend to avoid them, but I get curious when they try to go against the grain and make such a movie a thriller (like this one) or horror. Still, I had recently given up on two gay indies 10 minutes in so I wasn't optimistic about this one's odds.

Well, it doesn't suck, though it doesn't rise above mediocre either. It's a fairly simple story about an obsessive gay man who moves into a new apartment complex because of a crush on his attached trick who lives there, but gets stalked instead by his landlady.

There isn't really much suspense to speak of - what keeps the story going is the little mystery of the landlady's motivations. The acting isn't too bad, at least not of the leads' - at least they have some resume and aren't acting students. The lead character is annoyingly stupid at times but then again, someone who moves to a new place chasing a crush isn't gonna be all that bright, and sadly, I think it's all too believable that some gay men might just do that.
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