26 May 2009
Let me start by saying that I was expecting so much more.

The first part was more like psychological thriller - the rundown kind that has no twists and genuine scares. In fact, all of the "scary" parts were created by using unexpected noises and creepy music, which got boring and predictable really soon. Even changes in the camera angle were accompanied by a loud bang.

The second part, however, turned into a supernatural slasher and I was actually quite thrilled, because the first part of the film had been really bad. So I adapted and stayed tuned, hoping for at least something genuine in the whole thing. Needless to say, I was disappointed once more.

Babysitter Wanted failed at everything that would have made it rise even slightly above the average mass of horror flicks. Not only was the main character annoying and unbelievable, the supporting roles weren't much better either. The protagonist kept commenting her own actions and narrating, which was unnecessary and - yup, you guessed it - annoying. The whole story just fell flat and didn't even give me a good fright nor a laugh nor evoked some sort of an emotion.

Moreover, I was disappointed that the religion aspect of the whole thing wasn't utilized and as far as I'm concerned, that's a serious loss.

So, what we have here is a shell of a movie. All of the necessary components with bad execution and with no soul.
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