And I thought I was the only one!!!
2 May 2009
I really thought that I was the only one who remembered this comedy, especially the theme song. Every so often I would sing it for someone to see if they remembered the show, with no luck. This was one of the funnier sitcoms on in the mid-seventies, and a bit before it's time, I think. There were a lot of sexual innuendos that today wouldn't even warrant a second thought, much less a gasp. (I had rather progressive parents who didn't really find anything wrong in letting me watch it.).

The program was written by Mel Brooks; that should give you a good idea what the show was really like; full of pratfalls and slapstick, as Robin Hood(Dick Gauthier, who couldn't have been a better choice: Just handsome enough.)tried to get away from the sheriff of Nottingham. Each cast member had his or her own style and they were great.It was an ensemble cast,and they all played off each other perfectly "So when other legends are forgotten, we'll remember back when things were rotten....Hurray for Robin Hood!"
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