Review of Angus

Angus (1995)
Not on DVD ??? Another act of Hollywood Stupidity
26 April 2009
I couldn't remember the title to this movie at first, but I remember the plum tux as plain as day.

As a few other people have written and I'll re-iterate, why does Hollywood mis-label movies so much? Are they as insecure as Angus when it comes to picking a genre'? Although there is some comic relief ( as in life - there also is ), this is not what I would call a comedy. This movie should be shown in every single school district in this country when bullying is being discussed. It is the best case for anti-bullying efforts in school that I have ever seen.

So why the "bleeping bleep" is this NOT on DVD? Considering all the TRASH that Hollywood puts out every year, here you have a golden gem that would make a ton of money as more kids who are "first timers" in school would buy.

This isn't the first movie that Hollywood has mis-labeled in the name of sales and won't be the last - but for pete sakes PLEASE put this on DVD ? My kids would watch this in a heartbeat !!! Hey - anyone at Disney listening ??? Snap this film up while it's cheap and re-release it. Guaranteed money maker every year.

The only other film that I've seen come even CLOSE to showing a kid standing up for themselves is "Sleepover" - while I like that one too, it's not anywhere near as real as this.

10 out of 10 for the movie, ZERO out of 10 for the idiots who haven't gotten it put to DVD yet.
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