Review of Duplicity

Duplicity (2009)
This Movie Stunk So Bad I Thought I Had Poo On My Shoe
22 March 2009
All the way home from the theater I wondered how I could possibly convey to readers here just how bad "DUPLICITY" really is. As far as I am concerned, director-writer Tony Gilroy should be considered to be the Bernie Madoff of movies. Essentially, just as with Madoff's "investments", there really is nothing here. Instead of being a movie, it is merely a "vehicle" for making money and for 41-year old actress Julia Roberts to try to convince herself and us that she's 20 years younger. As she descends the ladder of professional accomplishment in movies like this it appears that Clive Owen is trying to parlay a connection with her to enhance his own fortunes. If they kissed on screen once they must have kissed each other 20 times. Both of them are in danger of becoming mere entertainment celebrities.

I can only shake my head as I wonder how Roberts, Owen, Paul Giamatti, and Tom Wilkinson could possibly do this to the movie-going public - their own people! The only answer I can come up with is this: money.

Several years ago Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie made a silly, puerile, idiotic movie of a similar sort called "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." That movie was, indeed, terrible, but compared to "Duplicity" it was a work of high art. In any event, there's not a dumpster deep enough to bury either of those movies.
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