Review of Dark Bar

Dark Bar (1989)
Trashy Giallo-style thriller
3 March 2009
Dark Bar is an almost completely unknown Italian thriller made in the late eighties. The style of the film is very trashy (undoubtedly helped somewhat by the obvious low budget) and I wouldn't be surprised to find that it takes more than a little influence in that respect from trashy American films such as Fatal Attraction. Still, I have to say that I liked the atmosphere. Unfortunately, however, that's all I liked about this film as the plot is uninteresting and difficult to follow. Basically, all we have to go on is that the lead character is investigating the disappearance of druggy sister. Numerous plot twists follow. Really though the plot is only difficult to follow because it's all so boring - there's not an interesting or emotive character in sight and that's condemning. The film is often thrown in with the Giallo subgenre (my reason for seeing it) and while I wouldn't really say that the film is a Giallo, it's no less a Giallo than genre entries such as Body Count, Blood Link and Evil Senses that mimic certain elements of the style but don't really do enough to be seriously considered. Anyway, the film basically just drones on for the running time and we are served up with a rather predictable ending. Hardcore Giallo fans may want to track this one down...but in all honesty, I wouldn't bother.
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