A fun old timed film about the timber cutters in Alaska
24 February 2009
Considering that this movie was made in 1975, and considering the time, this was a fun movie. There are lots of popular stars of the time in this picture, and plenty of drinking fist fights, and action.

People need to remember that times were different back then, it was more old fashioned. How easy it is to sound smooth and sarcastic and mocking of such a film, but these people weren't there and I was. I was born in Alaska, and the old days were fun, adventurous, and exciting.

No current movie could capture the spirit of old timed Alaska like this one. And it never will. So people, take this movie for what it's worth--a low budget comedy action movie made in Alaska when life was rough and tumble, and people really lived like this! I ought to know, I was born here in Alaska 57 years ago.

Watch this movie and enjoy it for a fun, slapstick peek into the past, when Alaska was wild, adventurous, and fun!
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