First Rate Cast can't help weak script!
19 February 2009
I love James Earl Jones and Cicely Tyson as a couple. They live in the ghetto or slums of Los Angeles, California in the 1970s. The rest of the cast includes the under-used Hilda Haynes and Louis Gosset Jr. The story of Johnny Williams as a poet and his ill wife played by Tyson is not so bad and their surroundings are undesirable as they battle crime, gangs, violence, and living in a tough part of the city. Jones and Tyson are a formidable pair and strong together on screen and they are worth watching the film alone even if it's not that great on paper. JOnes's performance elevates the role into a complex character of JOhnny Williams and there are familiar actors and actresses also in this film. The River Niger might not be that great but it's not that bad and Tyson and Jones are so strong together that you can see them at odds as well. Johnny loves his wife, Mattie, and strives as a poet but the scene where he reads to Mattie is heartbreaking, emotional, and worth watching. I didn't care for the other scenes involving the gangs, violence, and crime. I just loved watching Tyson and JOnes as a couple.
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