The Lost Door (2008)
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14 February 2009
I have seen the movie a couple of times...and I could...probably will... look at it more often. It's a piece of contemporary Art, in mine eyes, which triggers my perception in many ways. Like; what's the movie trying to say? Every time that I look at it I see different things. Things such as; Light instead of heavy, a flash trough the head, earth, sex?, live/death, good/bad, pleasure and most of all nothingness; pop up in my head. The whole thing is beautifully done in Mr. Stuart's typical style. I see interesting looking people, a lot of emotion triggering my own and its pleasant and quite unique (to me). The pale, cold and natural look make the movie pretty and erotically stimulating in a chic hysterical kind of way. It leaves me thinking; it doesn't really matter. And; it tastes like more. I cant completely understand / put my finger on it, it being the movie, and I think that that the Artist's intent is. Cause that's what keeps on playing in my mind strongest after having watched it. Very Nicely done!
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