An all time favourite
2 February 2009
This has been one of my favourite movies as a child, when they were still showing 1950s-movies on TV. I hadn't seen it for almost 20 years when I recently bought the DVD. I was surprised at how fresh it still felt - the dialogue is very witty, the relations of the characters are realistic (even sex is implied - huch! That in the German 50s!), and the recurring references to writing a screenplay and to German movies of the time are very amusing ("You should have a tame deer in it!"). The movie is carried by the brilliant lead actors - there couldn't have been anyone else than Lilo Pulver to play Juliane, and the contrast between Bernhard Wicki and Paul Hubschmid is the perfect analogy to Bueffel and Berner from Barbara Noacks novel. I'm glad I have it on DVD now.
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