The Contractor (2007 Video)
Very Enjoyable, a straight-to-DVD release which is surprisingly better than most *** out of *****
21 January 2009
although 'The Contractor' does't reach the heights of Murder at 1600 (1998) or U.S.Marshalls (1998) but then Snipes had better co-stars back then (Tommy Lee Jones & Alan Alda to name two), but it's far better than his other DVD only releases.

The plot doesn't exactly break new ground it's actually very unoriginal, Wesley Snipes plays James Dial an retired assassin for the CIA, or the NSA or something, he's brought out of his retirement by his former colleague Jeremy Collins (Ralph Brown) to assassinate a Middle eastern Terrorist whose being held by the British Police in London, (Well my Home town of Cardiff actually stands in for London, far cheaper presumably - a lot of the Film from the City Centre to the Train station at the end is Actually my Hometown and NOT London And other scenes were filmed guessed it...Cheapo Bulgaria) Anyway back to the movie... after Dial kills said Terrorist, he's quickly double crossed and set up for murder by his former colleagues so he spends the movie along with young friend Emily Day (Eliza Bennett) trying to clear his name.

Yes It does sounds by-the-numbers but it's well acted by Snipes along with his co-stars who also include Charles Dance & Lena Headey (The Sarah Connor Chronicles) and is a really enjoyable way to spend 2 hours and it was nice to see my hometown in a Hollywood movie... even if it was Straight to DVD. The only quibble I have is that the Direction by Rusnak (who made one of my favourite movies 'The thirteenth floor') was a bit of a shambles, but not enough to spoil the film.

All in All a good Direct-to-DVD Movie which was good enough for a theatrical release

*** out of *****
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