Crazed horny amazon biker chicks running amok, oh dear!
20 January 2009
This supposedly hot and crazy exploitation film about a group of very sexually obsessed female bikers turns out to be not nearly as crazy and wild as you might think. While these ladies talk non-stop about sex, they never really get around to doing much of anything--even though they supposedly see men as having one and only one purpose and that's to serve their many, many sexual needs. Plus, for sex-crazed bikers, they sure aren't very sexy and many look like they can barely drive their motorcycles. When they are having a race, the fastest bike looks to be doing about 30 miles an hour--wow, THAT'S crazy, man! I also like how a couple of the ladies actually drive a moped! What wild chicks! What she-devils!!!

This film was the product of one of the all-time worst film producers, Hershell Gordon Lewis--one of only 3 or 4 directors that can possibly be worse at his "craft" than Ed Wood, Jr.. His movies are usually so bad that they are silly and very watchable for their camp value--and this one is no exception. The acting is strictly amateurish (at best), the song at the beginning is completely flat and the overall look is that of a home movie with a lot of friends mugging for the camera. It's bad folks...REAL bad! But therein lies some of its charm--making it a great film for a party, so you and your friends can laugh at its ineptness.

Considering that EVERYTHING in the movie revolves around sex, it's amazing how little the film actually says or shows. Heck, you could almost show this film to a Sunday school class--even if you don't remove the severed head scene! Again and again when they are cursing, it turns out to be like Ralphie from A Christmas STORY--you know, when instead of the f-word, he says "Oh, fuuudge"! So, it's a pornographic and violent biker film with no skin, no cursing and silly violence (when present at all)! It's always pulling its punches and there is much more implied than explicitly shown or stated.

Look carefully during the "sexy" shower scene--you can see she's wearing a bathing suit! Also, while this movie was entertaining, I sure would have loved to see John Waters' perennial stars, Edith Massey and Divine, in the film as biker ladies--it would have really, really improved it immensely and helped this movie to reach even greater heights as a cult film.

By the way, I want to end with a bit about my rating of 2. By any objective measure of quality (except one), the film is just awful--terribly written, horribly acted, indifferently directed. So aesthetically, comparing it to other movies is like trying to hang a velvet Elvis painting in the Louvre. However, I must admit that despite being a giant pile of dung, the film sure is fun to watch and so I'll give it an extra point for watchability (sort of like a train wreck, by the way).
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